Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Welcome back.

So, I haven't written a post in about 10 years. I last posted a blog entry before blogger existed. Man, do I love blogging. Chickens, too.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

San Fran

This blogging thing is spanking new to me, so here goes another test post. Might as well make it pretty this time.

This morning I reminisce of San Fran, with its many public displays of spandex and makeshift moustaches. The Hulk on the left? That's Boyfriend Ryan. And to think: in 11th grade I dumped a guy because he wore plaid shoes in public. My, how I've matured. Thank you, Ryan, for forcing me into this blogging journey.

Ryan and Yurt (if that is his REAL name)

Me, Ryan, Paul (who already owned most of this outfit),

Master of Ceremonies RC, Derk and Brizz.